Where Faith and Fitness Align

At Revival Fitness, we believe in honoring our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit, and we're passionate about guiding you on a holistic journey centered around Jesus Christ. Our professional coaching, led by certified personal trainers and nutrition coaches, is grounded in both faith and science, delivering proven results that empower you to thrive in every aspect of life.

Meet the Owner

Gibson Groft is a young entrepreneur driven by a deep faith in Jesus Christ and a passion for fitness. With three years of experience training in the gym and certifications as a personal trainer, Gibson recognized a unique calling to combine his love for fitness with his desire to lead others to Christ. Thus, Revival Fitness US was born—a revolutionary approach to fitness that prioritizes personal relationships and Christ-centered teachings. Gibson's vision is to create a community where individuals can achieve their fitness goals while growing spiritually, guided by the principles of love, integrity, and service.